
One of our first commitments in creating our business was to use our heart-work as a platform to support local charities, so that we could contribute to building vibrant communities of love, connection & belonging. Throughout the year, we contribute monetary donations as well as in-kind graphic design work & free product for auctions to a number of charitable organizations. In addition to this, at the end of every year we make a significant monetary contribution to at least one local charity.

- Out Of The Cold Community Association
- The Canadian Progress Club Halifax Citadel
- Alzheimer’s Society of Nova Scotia
- Adsum for Women & Children - Females Four Females
- Canadian National Institute of the Blind (CNIB) Nova Scotia
- Back to the Sea Society
- North End Community Garden
- We are Young Association
- Halifax Stand with Ukraine
- Easter Seals NS
- We are Young Association
- Back to the Sea Society
- Indian Residential School Survivors Society
- Private Sponsorship for Syrian Refugee Family Settlement
- The Poppy Fund
- NS Mental Health Foundation
For 2020, we elected to make donations on behalf of each of our staff team.
This year, our team members chose:
- Adsum for Women & Children
- The Elizabeth Fry Society of Mainland NS
- OVC Pet Trust
- Movember Canada
For 2019, we contributed over $6,500 through the sale of our "Be the Light" Charitable lighthouse ornaments to a private fundraising effort that is dedicated to helping a Syrian family of refugees to make Canada their safe & happy new home.
2017 & 2018
In 2017 & 2018, we opted to run a campaign in support of the SPCA, in which we donated over 245 days worth of meals to a pet in need (each year)!
We have also fed over 300 Nova Scotians a full thanksgiving dinner through our Thankful Hearts Project.
Thank you so much for your support & love, we wouldn't be able to do it without you!
2015 & 2016
In 2015 & 2016, we made monetary contributions to support the efforts of Catapult Leadership Society.
Initiatives That We Have Created:
- Be the Light (Charitable Lighthouse Ornament Fundraiser)
- Thankful Hearts: Providing Thanksgiving Dinners to Deserving Families
- 100 Entrepreneurs: Planting Seed$
Other Organizations We've Supported Include:
- Adsum For Women & Children
- Back to the Sea Society
- The Youth Project
- Common Roots Urban Farm
- IWK Foundation
- The Canadian Progress Club
- Feed Nova Scotia
- LOVE: Leave Out Violence
- Teen Challenge Atlantic
- Dal OUTLaw LGBT Student Society
- Make-A-Wish Foundation (Atlantic Provinces)
- Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada
- MS Society of Canada
- Children's Wish Foundation
- Catapult Leadership Society
- Pathways to Education
- The Heart & Stroke Foundation
- MSVU's Mental Health Fundraising Initiatives